If we are the people of God, that means that we are dedicated to following the ways of Christ. The word of God is revealed in the Bible. If we are disciples, we want to do what God wants in every aspect of life. We are dedicated to doing everything that He wants us to do. In today’s churches, there are far more people claiming to be Christians than there are those who are seeking to live under the Lordship of Christ in everything. That is both a travesty and an enlightening fact. It is very possible to be a church member—religious and in good standing with other outwardly pious individuals—without being sincerely sold out to God. If we are not daily disciples, we do not belong to God.
The word that is used most often in Scripture to describe the people of Christ is not “Christian” as is the custom of our day; it is disciple. Even in the oft quoted text from Acts 11:26, it is disciples who were called Christians. Disciples—that is what they were. Christians is what they were called, likely in derision by the opponents of Christianity. The inspired writer called them disciples. He did not tell us exactly who it was that called them Christians.
This is important because many think of a “Christian” as someone who has prayed a “sinner’s prayer” or has been baptized. This is a very incomplete, if not absolutely erroneous idea. Certainly disciples are to be baptized (Matt. 28:19-20), but a disciple is also one who continues in the apostles’ doctrine (Acts 2:36-42). Jesus said that we are His disciples only if we continue in His word (John 8:31). Jesus went on to say that it is by knowing the truth about Him that we are made free (John 8:32-36). Knowing Him and following Him as Lord of our lives is what discipleship is. It is a personal decision and church membership will not free us from personal responsibility in this regard. A disciple is one who follows Christ and serves Him as Lord in every area of life. No one does this perfectly, but this is what the true disciple is trying to do.
Dewayne Dunaway