Who are you in the eyes of God? You are someone that He created. Someone for whom He cares deeply. Someone that He knows all about. The interest of God in our lives is one of the most amazing and astounding realities of the universe. And the sole reason for it is found in who He is. He cares because He wants to care.
Notice carefully these words from Jesus: “After all, aren’t two sparrows sold for a single copper coin? And nothing happens to them apart from your Father’s will. But He knows the exact number of hairs on your head. There is therefore no reason for you to fear. You are worth more than a multitude of sparrows” (Matthew 10:29-31). God pays attention to and takes care of sparrows. You are worth more than sparrows. So you must conclude that God pays attention to you in order to take care of you.
The concern of God means the attention of God. Have you ever tried to get someone’s attention? Maybe someone was talking to you and it was obvious their attention was elsewhere, and you knew you did not mean anything to this person. Well, you have the attention of Almighty God. And you have it for keeps.
Our eyes should be open to the fact of God‘s interest in us. It is not something we should be arrogant about, it is something we should be thankful for. He is attentive to our needs and knows all about us because He cares for us. And the least we can do is care about Him in return. We should care what He thinks and live our lives for Him.
Love Jesus and follow Him. That’s what it’s all about.
Dewayne Dunaway