On one occasion, Jesus and His disciples were in a boat in the middle of a storm. He was sleeping. They became very concerned for their lives and thought they were going to drown. So they woke Him up and asked “Master, do you not care that we are perishing?” He rebuked the storm and the waters were still. He then rebuked them for their lack of faith. “Why were you fearful? Where is your faith?” They had the Son of God in the boat with them. They had no reason to be afraid.
Jesus did not calm every storm. Just like He did not heal every sick person. He had power to do these amazing things. So why didn’t He? The purpose of His healing the sick and calming storms had to have a different purpose than what was directly evident.
He cared about every sick person. Why didn’t He heal every sick person? He cared about everyone who got caught in a storm. Why didn’t He calm every storm? The answer to that lies in the spiritual focus of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
John closed his Gospel by saying that Jesus did many other signs, but the ones that are written were written so that you may believe in Him. That was the purpose of His miraculous displays: to let people know that He is God’s anointed one. The emphasis is to be on the man, not the miracles.
And the spiritual lesson we learn is that He is in the boat with us through life and everything is going to be alright no matter what is going on around us. Keep your faith in Jesus. He won’t take away every storm here in this life, but He will get you safely to the shores of heaven.
Dewayne Dunaway