Much emphasis is given in the Bible to knowing and following the truth. It should be obvious that this is because there are so many lies out there that would lead us astray. The whole world is under the control of the devil, and he does nothing but lie. Jesus said he is the father of lies and there is no truth in him. He wants you to believe all the wrong things and he will do whatever it takes to get you to believe him.

Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” The truth to which he referred was the truth about him. In that context, he talked about being slaves to Satan and sin. That is the condition we were, or are, in, depending on what we do with Jesus. We must remember that Jesus came to free us from the devil’s grasp, so all it takes is love for him—real, living, life- changing, loving faith—to escape from the devil and sin.

Freedom from sin. That is where the truth leads. God’s truth—the truth that tells us about Christ and an accomplished salvation—is the key that opens up sin’s prison door and lets us out. God’s gospel is his power unto salvation for everyone that believes. God makes promises and he cannot lie. Those promises are all “yes” and “amen” in Christ. Our job is to know them and believe them.

Know the truth and love the truth. Do not believe Satan’s lies. Part of the whole armor of God is the belt of truth, and only God’s truth will protect us from the deception that is the foundation of Satan’s kingdom. The fellowship of the redeemed are built upon and stand up the solid rock of God’s revelation of all that we have through Christ. The people of God are the pillar and ground of the truth and the reason is because we do not accept the devil’s lies. We stand against them. We live by truth. We live by acceptance of the revelation of God. This is the victory that overcomes the world: our faith in the promises and the power of God. That is the truth that makes men free.

Dewayne Dunaway


