“For he who is joined to the Lord has become one spirit with him” (1 Corinthians 6:17). How marvelous to consider that we can be joined to the Lord. What does that mean? Do you remember, in the Garden of Eden, when God presented Eve to Adam, he said that a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh? Paul actually quotes from that original marriage intention, which is the only definition of marriage in the Bible—joining and becoming. So we join to the Lord the same way that a man would join to a woman: by deciding to be with that person. And when that decision is made by our love for Jesus, it is expressed by our willingness to become his disciple and follow him. Then we are said to be one spirit with him, just as a husband and wife are one flesh. It is a spiritual marriage to Jesus. In Ephesians 5, Paul gives instructions to husbands and wives and tells them about God’s ideal for marriage. But he says that he is actually speaking about Christ and the church. Every believer is married to Jesus in a spiritual sense.
This means that the glory of Jesus, the resurrected King of kings and Lord of lords is in a personal relationship with us. Salvation is personal. No man-made groups are needed.
I’m John 21, when Jesus told Peter how he was going to die, Peter wanted to know about John. “If I’m going to give my life for you, what about this man?” was what Peter asked in essence. Jesus told him what happens with John was none of his business. “You follow me, Peter.” It’s personal. The whole world can be lost, but you don’t have to be lost. I don’t have to be lost. It’s a personal relationship.
Anyone who wants this simple relationship of love and commitment with Christ can have it. That is what is meant when the Bible says “whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Calling can be expressed in a prayer if one chooses, but that is not what it is. It is the desire of the heart expressing love to Christ and taking him by faith through a decision of the will. There are no experiences needed. We don’t have to “tarry” for anything. Today is the day of salvation. We can be saved in a moment. In an instant. When we realize that Jesus loves us and we decide to love him back.
And that personal relationship can continue for the rest of our lives without any involvement with any man-made religious groups or organizations. The Bible encourages Christians to not give up meeting together. But that can be done with one other believer on a park bench. The assembling that the King James talks about is really just meeting with another saint on a regular basis for fellowship and encouragement. We have a tendency to fall away.
If that fellowship takes place in a church house, as long as the intentions are correct, it won’t be condemned by God. The New Testament is not a law code or a puzzle that we have to figure out how to do exactly right. But why do you meet in a church building or a home? The emphasis must be on knowing Jesus and following him and getting your eyes off of men and their doctrines. You are one with Jesus. He is the only one to whom you answer.
Dewayne Dunaway