“We can go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts that trust him completely. Christ’s blood has been sprinkled over our guilty consciences to make them clean, and pure water has washed our bodies. Let us hold firmly to the hope we profess with no wavering at all, because God has made a promise, and he can be trusted to keep it” (Hebrews 10:22-23).
Under the New Covenant, the problem of sin has been taken care of completely through the work of Christ. We can have full and complete forgiveness of sins, in other words. Lasting forgiveness, not symbolic forgiveness waiting until something else comes in the future. Because of what Jesus has done, we can have absolute confidence. That confidence is something that we can decide to have. Every day of our lives.
The New Covenant has been sealed by the blood of Christ (Matthew 26:28). That means that the old covenant that you read about in the Old Testament has been removed as far as being in operation. We are not under that covenant in any way. We can still learn many things about God from reading the Old Testament, but no one today is under anything in the Old Testament as a law. It is all about the new covenant of Christ now. A covenant that is Jesus himself, a relationship. And a covenant that we learn about by reading the New Testament.
Be totally confident in your relationship with God because of Jesus. He is the covenant. Stay close to him and you will always be pleasing to God. Everyone who loves the Son of God has the love of the Father abiding in them. God loves you as one of his children, in other words, and there is no chance that you can be lost. That is something you can be absolutely confident about.
Dewayne Dunaway