One of the most difficult things to do is read the Bible without assuming you already know what it teaches. Once you get out of being inculcated by a religious group, any religious group, independent thinking does not come easily. It takes a while to realize you’ve been brainwashed. You have not been permitted to be your own person. You have been forced to conform. And when you take inventory of all the ways that has hurt you, you’re going to fight bitterness.

Escaping from the prison of organized religion is one of the greatest steps you can take. It is one of the healthiest things you can do. But in order to be successful after leaving, you must do at least two things.

First, you must do everything that you can to approach the Bible like you’ve never seen it before. You can now read the Bible to find out what it actually teaches rather than being told what to think and believe. It doesn’t come easy. This is not what you have been conditioned to do. But you can do it. You can study the Bible for yourself. Work at it and let your mind be like a blank piece of paper upon which God can write his truth.

The second thing is to watch out for bitterness. The Bible warns about how a root of bitterness can develop in us if we aren’t careful (Hebrews 12:15). When you realize what has happened to you you’re going to be tempted to be bitter. Don’t let that happen. Of course when you try to help the people who are still trapped in the cult of religion, they’re going to accuse you of being bitter. In their minds, if you speak out against them it’s got to be because you’re bitter. It’s got to be sour grapes. 

I am not telling you not to do things that will make others think you are bitter. There’s no way to avoid that and accomplish anything. They’re going to call you bitter and that’s not your problem. It’s none of your business what they call you. I’m saying that deep down in your heart of hearts don’t let yourself become bitter. Breathe the fresh air of freedom in Jesus and seek to learn his will and his way.

Dewayne Dunaway


