Paul said, “In the past, I blasphemed Christ and persecuted him and did all kinds of things to hurt him. But God showed me mercy, because I did what I did ignorantly. I did not believe. But the grace of our Lord was fully given to me, and with that grace came the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. What I say is true, and you should fully accept it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. But I was given mercy so that in me, the worst of all sinners, Christ Jesus could show that he has patience without limit. His patience with me made me an example for those who would believe in him and have life forever. To the King who rules forever, who will never die, who cannot be seen, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen” (1 Timothy 1:13-17). These words of Paul are marvelous to ponder, for we are given important insight into the purpose of God in saving us. There are several considerations in order here.
First, Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Some, having no understanding of what salvation is about, seem to think that they have been too bad for God to save. But think of it: if everyone on earth knew every bad thing that you had ever done, it would prove only one thing—you are a sinner. And Christ came to save sinners. That is it. Whatever causes you to understand the severity of your sinful condition is a blessing, no matter how badly it may hurt your reputation in the eyes of men. For only then can you embrace grace. Where sin abounds, grace abounds even more (Romans 5:20). We should only care about our reputation in the eyes of God, anyway.
Second, God is so interested in saving sinners that he saves the “worst” to demonstrate that he can save anyone. Paul, though he viewed himself the worst of sinners—and did far worse things than most who read this have ever done—could say that his salvation had a purpose: “But I was given mercy so that in me, the worst of all sinners, Christ Jesus could show that he has patience without limit. His patience with me made me an example for those who would believe in him and have life forever.” Saving those who are utterly unworthy shows the mercy and grace of God. This glorifies him. God wants to save us!
Third, salvation, then, obviously, is for the glory of God. “To the King that rules forever, who will never die, who cannot be seen, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever.” The glory of God in salvation is eternal. Sinners will forever be trophies of God’s mercy and love. So salvation is as much for the glory of God as for the welfare of man. If we would ponder this, we would see that He wants to save us more than we have ever imagined, and our souls would be flooded with a security we’ve never dreamed possible. And this should forever rid us of the notion that God “might not” save us.
Dewayne Dunaway